All of our websites are built with RWD and optimized for customer management with our custom CMS system and provide optimal user experience for your target audience

Intranet Samples

The following sample sites utilize SurfersNet technology.

Intranet/Extranet Applications

Magnaflux: Web Site Automation
     Powerpoint Case Study - (250k)

This is a good example of updateable pages and how some of our intranet tools function.

Visa: Rollout Automation

Automated online system for Visa promotional packages (Intranet application)

US Postal Service: eConcurrence Approval System

Online review and approval process for banner advertisments (Extranet application)
Abbott Labs
     (PowerPoint Case Study
Intranet project management system
    ( PowerPoint Case Study
Customer tracking system (Intranet application)

For a demo, please contact us.